Dates: June 21 – 26, 1883
Location: Pierce’s Grove, Lake Calhoun (Bde Maka Ska),
Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN
Find it today: Map
Historical map: 1892 map of Lake Calhoun area – see upper left section with property marked as “T. W. Pierce” near the number “46” (map courtesy of the University of Minnesota).
The camp: Pierce’s Grove was on the northwest side of Lake Calhoun, just south west of North Beach – about where the Lake Calhoun Center and soccer field are today.
The Depot: Cedar Lake Station. See a photo of the station.
The baptisms: Camp meeting baptisms were conducted in Lake Calhoun.
CAMP-MEETING IN MINNESOTA. – THE annual camp-meeting of Minnesota, for 1883, will be held on the same ground as last year at Lake Calhoun, about four miles west of Minneapolis, commencing June 20 and continuing till the 26th.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. – Review and Herald, May 15, 1883

The Sabbath and Its Observance – The Most Interesting Day of the Three – All Business and Unnecessary Work Suspended.
After the usual morning services at the Adventist’s camp meeting, the state Sabbath school was called in the pavilion by the ringing of the bell at 9 A. M., about 300 assembling besides the 38 teachers. The opening services over, the lessons were taken up, but were somewhat interrupted by the rain, which made hearing difficult. At the close of the lessons Elder Olsen preached from the text: ”Except ye be converted and become as little children ye can in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.” A very interesting children’s meeting was held from 1 to 2 P. M. Elder Butler at 2:30 preached from Gal. vi:7-8, with great power and a general revival of the spirit of God was manifest at this meeting.
In the evening Elder Van Horn spoke from Rev. xii., 17, “The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” The speaker explained the text, saying that the dragon was a symbol of the work of satan in the persons of wicked men. The woman was of the church and the remnant of her seed must mean the last body of Christ which should live just prior to the second coming of Christ – the Adventists. The wrath of the dragon against the remnant church must mean the anger of wicked men who hate God and make manifest by bitter opposition to His law, and therefore hate those who love Him and keep His commandments. He said they were not ignorant of what was in store for them. The rumblings of the coming storm could already be heard in the distance. The great burden of this discourse was to get his hearers to understand the kind of character the Lord required of them in order that they might be called the children of the Highest, and receive His special care and protection through the perilous times just before them.
There will be preaching tomorrow at 10:30 A. M. and 2:30 and 7:30 P. M.
Daily Minnesota Tribune, June 24, 1883
THE CAMP-MEETING AT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. This meeting was held June 21-26, in a nice grove lying between two miniature lakes, about four miles from the city of Minneapolis, on the same ground used for this purpose several years ago. We reached the ground Wednesday afternoon, and found the camp in a very good state of readiness, and a goodly number in attendance. The weather was reasonably good, with an occasional sprinkle of rain, but quite cool for the season.
The attendance was not as large as at some meetings I have attended in the State, especially from the outside. Nearly six hundred encamped on the ground. Services were held in the English and Scandinavian tongues, and the camp was a place of activity. We had a very profitable meeting, one of the very best we have attended thus far this season. For this we felt exceedingly grateful. We hope it will be a turning-point in the history of this Conference, and that we will see a higher degree of prosperity, a greater growth and increase of spiritual life from this onward.
This Conference has been passing through some unpleasant experiences the last few years. There has not been that harmony of feeling, that love and union, which is so very desirable; but far less of discord was perceptible during the present meeting than in some preceding ones which we have attended. The business meetings were conducted in harmony. During the last few years, there has not been that prosperous growth in this Conference which was manifest before. There was a time, eight or ten years ago, when there was a more rapid growth in numbers and strength than in any other Conference we have ever known. In a few years the number of members was nearly quadrupled; but during the last two or three years there has been far less growth apparent. Some discord and feelings of alienation have come in, and the ministry has not seemed to be so efficient, and it has been hard work to keep up the tone and interest in the Conference. At this meeting many of the brethren seemed to feel an earnest desire for a better state of things.

The preaching was very plain and searching. On the Sabbath there was apparently much deep feeling. Perhaps one hundred and fifty came forward for prayers, and our meetings were very solemn. Some excellent confessions were made by ministers and people, and there was a real humbling of heart before God. On Monday forenoon another season of this kind was held. A special call to sinners and backsliders was made, to which a goodly number responded. The Lord’s Spirit came in, and light shone through the camp. The hearts of many were deeply affected, and all felt that the Lord came very near. Some who had apostatized from the truth confessed with deep penitence and sorrow of heart, and tried to return to God. One who, some years in the past, had received a testimony of reproof from the Spirit of the Lord, which he claimed was unjust, and had manifested much opposition against it, till he had finally ceased to observe the Sabbath, came forward for prayers, broke down in tears and confessed before the congregation that the testimony was all true, and that his own heart had been filled with opposition; but now he could see that he himself was wrong. Thus the Spirit of God at times illuminates the mind, and we can see ourselves as we are. It was truly a precious season. In the afternoon, thirty were baptized in the clear waters of Lake Calhoun.

The wants of our foreign missionary funds were presented before the people Monday morning; and about $1,300 were subscribed for the three funds, and the International T. and M. Society.

Courtesy of the
Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
After a careful consideration, the nominating committee of the Conference presented the name of Eld. O. A. Olsen for President of the Minnesota Conference, and he was elected to that position, with Elds. Grant and Fulton as assistant members of the Conference Committee. It is hoped that, with his experience and earnest zeal, he will help the brethren to bring up the Conference and tract society into a greater state of efficiency.
The importance of our missionary work, canvassing, etc., was dwelt upon, and forcibly impressed upon the minds of the people. God’s Spirit witnessed to those appeals. Elds. Van Horn and Olsen assisted in the preaching. Some very interesting children’s meetings were held by Eld. Van Horn, and a good influence was brought to bear upon them.

Courtesy of the
Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
After the meeting dispersed Tuesday forenoon, we had a meeting of the ministers, licentiates, colporters, canvassers, and others who thought of giving themselves to the cause to labor. We spent several hours together in conversation and instruction. It was a precious season. Many were in tears, and we consulted together relative to a proper method of labor, and concerning a spirit of devotion and consecration which should characterize all who labor in the cause of Christ. We tried to impress upon the minds of those present the importance of devotion to the work and faithfulness therein. The remarks seemed to be received with an excellent spirit, and we trust good was accomplished by the meeting. May God bless the ministers and the Conference, and may prosperity attend it in all its departments.
Our brethren went home feeling encouraged. The prospects of peace and union are better than in the past, and we greatly hope there will be a general increase of zeal and efficiency in the Conference the coming year.
GEO. I. BUTLER. – Review and Herald, July 10, 1883