Organized: January 7, 1956
Current Location: 830 Minnesota Avenue South, Aitkin, MN Map
Contributors: Northern Union Outlook
Aitkin Church Organized
A high day for the believers in Aitkin was January 7 when a new church was organized.
It was about 19 years ago that a few Sabbath keepers started meeting in homes. The little group grew slowly until finally a company was formed. The progress of this group has been very good and God has blessed them richly.
For the past year about 30 to 40 have been meeting every week. It was finally decided to organize this group of believers into a church and the date of January 7 was chosen. E. R. Osmunson, the conference president, led out in the organization of this new church.
A nominating committee was elected and in an hour the committee had chosen the officers for the year 1956.
May God richly bless this youngest church in the conference as it takes its place in the sisterhood of churches in the Minnesota Conference.
Paul Scofield – March 6, 1956, Northern Union Outlook, 9