Dates: June 23 – 28, 1881
Location: Pierce’s Grove, Lake Calhoun (Bde Maka Ska),
Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN
Find it today: Map
Historical map: 1892 map of Lake Calhoun area – see upper left section with property marked as “T. W. Pierce” near the number “46” (map courtesy of the University of Minnesota).
The camp: Pierce’s Grove was on the northwest side of Lake Calhoun, just south west of North Beach – about where the Lake Calhoun Center and soccer field are today.
The Depot: Cedar Lake Station. See a photo of the station.
The baptisms: Camp meeting baptisms were conducted in Lake Calhoun.

MINNESOTA CAMP-MEETING. This meeting was held about five miles from Minneapolis, in a grove well shaded with oak trees. Between six and seven hundred Sabbath-keepers were present. Eld. Butler and myself arrived Wednesday morning, June 22. A business meeting was held in the evening, and regular services commenced Thursday. Over sixty tents were pitched on the ground. The meetings were held in a pavilion 60×100 feet. A good spirit seemed to pervade the meetings from the commencement, and the interest increased to the close.
On the Sabbath, the Spirit of God in an unusual manner rested upon the congregation. When an opportunity was given for those who had wandered from God to commence anew in his service, so many arose that it was useless to attempt to call them forward. Ministers and people wept and confessed before the Lord. Eld. Grant, the president of the Conference, said that he had never seen so deep feeling at any previous camp-meeting held in the State. There were but few who did not make some expression of their desires to seek God. At the close of the services, the work was continued in the small tents, where many found the Saviour precious to their souls.
On Monday, another special effort was made for those who wished to seek God for the first time, and for those who had so far backslidden as to have lost all connection with him. Over one hundred such persons came forward. Many acknowledged themselves blessed. Thirty-five were baptized in Calhoun Lake, a goodly number of whom were the fruit of this meeting.

The outside attendance on Sunday was not large. The grounds were quite a distance from the city, and we were interrupted by rain during the afternoon service.
The business meetings passed off harmoniously. The meeting of the tract society was in some respects one of especial interest. The Sabbath-school interest in this State seems to be healthfully growing. The temperance society also showed that something was being accomplished.
Two discourses were given each day in the Scandinavian language until Friday, by Bro. Johnson; afterward he was assisted by Eld. Olsen. The people seemed hungry for the word of life, and it was evident from the first to the last of the meeting that the great Teacher was present to administer to their great need.
The farewell meeting was held Tuesday morning. We think we never attended a camp-meeting where our brethren and sisters generally returned to their homes with better courage and more of a sense that God had met with them than at this meeting. To God be all the praise.
S. N. HASKELL. – Review and Herald, July 5, 1881