Dates: June 15 – 21, 1887
Location: Gray’s Grove, Post Siding,
Earl St N & 7th St E, St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN
Find it today: Map
The Camp: Post Siding was on Seventh Street directly to the east of Earl Street, between Seventh Street and the south side of the railroad tracks. It is part of the Dayton’s Bluff neighborhood. Eastside Heritage Park has an interesting display with information on the neighborhood. Also, while you’re at Post Siding, you may want to view the house on the southeast corner of Ross Avenue East (1 block south of 7th Street) and Earl Street. The date posted on the north side gable of the house is 1886, one year before camp meeting was held there, so that house was new at the time of camp meeting! (Photo of house)
THE time for the annual gathering of our people is fast approaching. In the past Minnesota people have been justly credited for the interest which they manifested in coming to their camp-meetings, often making quite a sacrifice, coming long distances with teams in order to meet with God’s people and hear his word spoken. None have ever regretted their efforts. Let us not be weary in well-doing. “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Another of these valuable opportunities is now before us, and we feel extremely anxious that as far as possible all should improve it.
The meeting will be held in or near a city. As some of our people are poor, and unable to dress as well as some others, they hesitate to come, feeling that they would be unwelcome. To such we say that what has been said against untidiness has no reference whatever to the poor who appear clean and plain. Being poor and being slovenly are not the same thing. Do as well as you can with what you have. God forbid that the time should ever come in our work when the humble poor should be set aside in order to court the favor of the world. It is not the material of our dress that gives us favor with God. Come to the camp-meeting, brethren and sisters, you will all be welcomed.

Some do not come because they know that calls will be made for means, and they are not able to help and cannot bear to refuse. Remember that “if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.” And if you cannot bless the cause of God with your means, do not prevent God from blessing you with his Spirit at our good meeting. If you cannot pay for the use of a tent, we will furnish you lodgings free.
Some do not come because they have means which they might give, and ought to give to God’s cause. They have learned that the Spirit of God sometimes thaws out frozen and covetous hearts, and that under such influences men become so foolish as to invest something for God and his kingdom. They have a natural fear, almost a horror of such manifestations of ” weakness,” which when they get out into the world again they would surely regret. Hence they prefer to stay away from all danger. May God bless these souls with a real burden for their own eternal welfare and that of their fellow-men before it shall be too late. Come to the camp-meeting with your pockets well filled with means, and your hearts well filled with consecration. We appeal to all to put forth an extra effort to come.
The meeting will doubtless be held in St. Paul, in the eastern part of the city, near the Omaha railroad depot at E. 7th St. Our State laws are peculiarly strict, and it is difficult to obtain favors, but we hope to secure reduction of fare. The workers’ meeting will begin June 8. We hope all workers will be there, especially all those who contemplate working in the cause.
Those wishing to engage tents should apply to H. P. Holser. We want to say to our people particularly that on account of our building and improvements, and the heavy expenses of the Conference during the year,, the cause greatly needs financial help. All T. and M. debts and all pledges and tithes should be paid, and should either, be sent in advance, which is the better way, or brought to the meeting. Full particulars how to get to the ground and other matters, will be given soon.
MINN. CONF. COM. – Review and Herald, May 17, 1887

THE grounds chosen for this meeting are located on the eastern border of the city of St. Paul. They have never been used, and therefore will require some fitting, up. We obtain them free of charge from the St. Paul and Duluth R. R. Co., and they are beautifully situated close to their East 7th St. depot. The trains on the Wisconsin Central, and the Hudson and Stillwater trains on the ” Omaha” Road all pass the same station. These trains all run to and from the Union depot at St, Paul, and pass at frequent intervals through the day. Those coming into the city over the roads mentioned should purchase tickets and get baggage checked to East 7th St., St. Paul, and they will land near the camp. Those coming from other directions will go to the Union depot, and there buy tickets and have baggage rechecked for East 7th St. The fare will be 45 cts. round trip. Those coming on the Minneapolis and St. Louis Road will have to transfer in St. Paul to the Union depot, or they can go to the grounds by the East 7th St, car line. Some one will be at both depots to assist those who arrive on June 14 and 18, and on other days provided a request is made in time by mail, directed to me at Minneapolis, or at the camp-ground, St. Paul. Those coming by the Minneapolis and Pacific Road will have to transfer in Minneapolis.

Those who may have occasion to use the street-car, in reaching the camp, should go to 7th St., and take the cars marked “E. 7th St.” going east. The terminus of the line is within five blocks of the grounds. There will be no trouble, as we shall have men at the depots, and all officers will render information and help.

See more about the streetcar system at the Minnesota Streetcar Museum.
Those having tents should bring or send them. And those desiring to rent tents can do so at the usual rates, from $1.75 to $3 75 for the common sizes. The workers’ meeting will commence Wednesday evening, June 8, and the regular camp-meeting will begin just one week later, and continue until Tuesday morning, June 21. Workers should come prepared to care for themselves as far as possible, and in time to be ready for business at the beginning of the meeting. Quite a number will be on the grounds June 6, and we shall be glad to see willing helpers at any time after that. There will be a provision stand and boarding tent. Let all try to come early and remain to the close. We confidently expect a good meeting. Please remember its interest in your prayers, brethren, and put forth a strong effort to come.
G. C. TENNEY. – Review and Herald, May 31, 1887
COMING BY TEAM. As it is probable that many will come by this means, we shall try to make abundant provision for them. Observe the following directions: Upon reaching the city, go to Seventh St., the main and longest street in the city, and thence east to Post Siding, which is on Seventh St., about two miles east of the main part of the city, where the camp is located.
REDUCED FAIR. Arrangements have been made to return at one-third fare all persons attending this meeting who will provide themselves with a certificate signed by H. P. Holser.
ELECTRIC LIGHTS. It is now probable that the city will light our grounds with electricity, which will be a comfort and safeguard.
COMMITTEE. – Review and Herald, June 7, 1887
The Seventh-Day Adventists.
According to custom the Seventh-Day Adventist camp meeting is observed today as a fast day. Prayer and a social meeting was held before breakfast, and shortly after that hour 50 classes gathered in the Sabbath school, under the superintendency of L. T. Nicols, Prof. Prescott, of Battle Creek, Mich., conducting the oral review of the lesson. At 11 o’clock Elder Kilgyre preached from Malachai [sic], iii, 1 to 3, on the judgment of the great day.
At 2 p. m. the sermon was delivered by Elder Farnsworth from 1 Cor., vi, 19 to 20, warning his vas [sic] congregation against bogus sanctification. This was followed by revival services, in which 200 asked for spiritual comfort and direction.
The usual services were held tonight and tomorrow, if the weather is fine, the ground will be thronged by visitors. Fully 2,000 members are in camp from 50 churches.
The Minneapolis Tribune, June 12, 1887
MINNESOTA CAMP-MEETING. This meeting was held June 15-21, at St. Paul, in Gray’s grove, about three miles from the Union Depot. There were 150 tents pitched on the ground, with 900 Sabbath-keepers in attendance. Services were held each day in the German, Swedish, and Danish languages, as well as the English language. The outside attendance from the city of St. Paul was small, except on Sunday evening, when a large number were present. Some of the brethren were a little late in coming to the ground, although the greater part were there the first day of the meeting. Those who come late to the meeting, and go home before the meeting closes, sustain a great loss themselves, besides exerting a wrong influence over others. This should never be the case, when possible to avoid it.
One of the pleasant features of the arrangement of the place was the electric lights which so beautifully illuminated the entire camp.

Dr. J. H. Kellogg was present on Friday, and occupied the forenoon and afternoon till evening. Much interest was manifested on the subject of health and temperance. Quite a number of subscriptions were obtained for Good Health, and a large number signed the teetotal pledge.
Sabbath was a day of special interest to our own people, as well as to many who were there seeking for light and instruction. At the close of the forenoon discourse, a heavy storm struck the camp, which flooded some parts of the ground, and did some damage to the tents. However, by three o’clock the storm had cleared away, and things were in readiness for afternoon services, which continued till near the close of the Sabbath, when an invitation was given for the unconverted and backslidden to express their purpose to seek God. Two hundred and fifty or more responded by coming forward for the prayers of God’s people. Some of these dear souls found peace and joy in confessing their sins, and exercising faith in the precious Saviour.

The discourses on Sunday were designed especially to help outsiders. Prof. W. W. Prescott spoke at four o’clock in the afternoon on the subject of education, also Monday morning at 5:30. We only wish that his burning words of truth could have been heard and put into practice by all Sabbath-keepers having the responsibility of training children, and the young people, and middle-aged among us. We trust that many will be induced to avail themselves of the privileges of the Battle Creek College as the result of his earnest labors.
Monday forenoon the revival effort was continued. Quite a number of candidates came forward for prayers. Some thirty-five presented themselves for baptism. Owing to the long distance they have to go, and the heavy rain, it was thought best that a good share of those desiring baptism should receive it at their own churches.
A large number of ministers, canvassers, and workers go out to labor this year. The book sales the past year amounted to about $21,000. More than one half of these sales have been in the Scandinavian and German languages. The tithes in the Conference during the last year have amounted to more than $30,000. According to the facts and figures shown at the meeting, it was thought that it would have been $40,000, had all paid their tithes. Over $3,000 were pledged to help extend the work in Minneapolis. This was to pay for buildings already erected, and to help the Scandinavians in building a meeting house in that city.

The preaching was largely done by Eld. Farnsworth and the writer.

If the many resolutions made are carried out, greater prosperity will attend the truth than we have seen in the past. There is no reason for discouragement in this large and growing Conference. A state of union and harmony prevailed. May God richly bless the efforts of his servants and people in this important field.
R. A. UNDERWOOD – Review and Herald, July 5, 1887