HTS Board of Directors

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When the Danish-Norwegian Seminary was founded, a Board of Directors was appointed comprised of the seminary’s president, the Danish-Norwegian Superintendent from the North American Foreign Department, the president of the Northern Union along with delegates from each of it’s states (Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota); two adjacent unions, the Lake Union and Central Union, were also each allowed a representative.

R. A. Underwood, Northern Union Conference President
M. L. Andreasen, Danish-Norwegian Seminary President
L. H. Christian, North American Danish-Norwegian Superintendent
A. P. Hanson, Iowa
S. E. Jackson, Minnesota
Lars Neilsen, North Dakota
N. P. Neilsen, South Dakota
P. M. Hansen, Wisconsin (Lake Union)
H. Hanson, Nebraska (Central Union)

Source: T. D. Gibson, “The Northern Union Conference,” Northern Union Reaper, March 8, 1910, 1-4.