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2020-Current Maplewood Academy Principal

Photo: Jeremy Everhart
Jeremy Everhart is the new principal of Maplewood Academy for the 2020-2021 school year. Jeremy graduated from Union Springs Academy, NY, in 1995 and later graduated from Andrews University in 2000 with a Bachelor of Arts in history and a minor in geography. When his dream of earning a master’s degree was temporarily postponed, his mother encouraged Jeremy to apply for a grades 5-8 teaching position at Bay Knoll Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School in Rochester, New York. There he taught all subjects with the exception of art and music. After two years of teaching in NY, he realized his dream of teaching abroad when he accepted an ESL position at the Sahmyook Language Institute in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. Within 6 months, the director of the ESL Institute needed to return to his home country, leaving Jeremy to become the administrator. Unfortunately, Jeremy’s educational loans disallowed his continued service in Russia, so he took a social studies and ESL position at the Adventist College Preparatory Center (later Taipei Adventist Preparatory Academy) in Taiwan.
Within four years of service, Jeremy was utilized to expand the work in Taiwan by becoming part of the administrative team that opened Taiwan Adventist International School on the campus of Taiwan Adventist College. In the fall of 2014, Jeremy was subsidized by the college, the administration of TAIS, to continue his education at SUNY Plattsburgh and earned the Masters in the Science of Teaching degree in June of 2015 with certification to teach in NYS for Adolescents in Social Studies. The courses he has taught at various places in Taiwan over the years include U.S. Government, World History, World Geography, U.S. History, ELL Communications, and a variety of other ELL classes. Jeremy especially enjoys mentoring young or inexperienced teachers. He has developed an instructional coaching program that provides an avenue for teachers to expand their instructional methodologies, integrating tried and true Adventist educational philosophies with brain-based educational theories.
Today, Jeremy is excited about returning to the United States and serving the community of Maplewood Academy. He, with his wife Summer, and son, Evan, have been impressed with the generosity and openness of the faculty and constituents of Maplewood Academy.
Source: Jeremy Everhart, Received January 18, 2022