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1906-1912 Maplewood Academy Principal
1920-1921 Maplewood Academy Principal
Born: March 08, 1880 in Alexandria, Douglas Co., MN
Death: March 29, 1966 in Azusa, Los Angeles Co., CA
Buried: Montecito Memorial Park, Colton, San Bernardino Co., CA
Findagrave: 235941563
Spouse: Alice Clara Riechel
Parents: John Sheldon and Lettie Hawley

Photo: MWA 1954 Yearbook
Elder Harold J. Sheldon was born March 8, 1880, in Alexandria, Minnesota, and passed away in Azusa, California, March 29, 1966. His educational career began in teaching public school, and serving two terms as principal of Maplewood Academy, and a term in the same position at Plainview Academy. Elder Sheldon and Alice Riechel joined hands in marriage in 1917. For a period of ten years this beloved worker served as Educational and MV Secretary in the Northern Union Conference, and similar responsibilities for five years in the Lake Union Conference. The last ten years of active work were spent in pastoral duties in California. There remain his faithful companion, Alice, and daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Froeschle, and three grandchildren, in addition to other close relatives and friends. He rests awaiting the consummation of the promises of Rev. 14:13.
Robert Kitto, Received 5-31-66, Northern Union Outlook, August 26, 1966, 15.

Photo: 1954 MWA Maple Log