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2005-2010 Maplewood Academy Principal

MWA Principal
Photo: Maplewood Academy
Steve Sherman grew up in the home of an Adventist pastor. His father, Walter, and mother, Carol, provided him with an Adventist education from first grade to graduate school. Steve graduated from Spring Valley Academy in Ohio, he has a BA in Theology and a Masters of Divinity from Andrews University and he has a Masters in Educational Leadership from Crown College in Minnesota.
Steve served as a pastor in the Indiana Conference for a year in 1985-1986 and led out as Principal at Carvin School in Puerto Rico during 1989-2005. Steve then took the role of Principal at Maplewood Academy in 2005 where he remained until 2010. After leaving Maplewood, Steve served as Pastor of Forest Lake Church and Principal of Forest Lake Education Center, both in Florida.
Steve is happily married to his wife Nadine and has three children, two cats and one dog.
In June 2011, when asked about his experience at Maplewood, Steve replied, “When I think of Maplewood I think of family. Teachers, students, parents and alumni sharing a common special experience that is Maplewood Academy.
I have such good memories of my five years at MWA. What made Maplewood so special to me was the devotion of the teachers and staff to make MWA a special spiritual place of friendship and learning for the students. I was always inspired by the hard work and dedication of the faculty. When we all get to heaven we will see the rewards of their love and dedication in sharing the love of Jesus with their students.
I also think of the parents who made the choice and commitment to send their young people to an Adventist school. They also will see their reward in heaven. I also see the faces and remember the names of the students who passed through Maplewood during my years as principal.
All of these teachers, parents and students remain in my prayers. Once you are part of the Maplewood family you carry those relationships with you for the rest of your life. I am proud to say that I am a faculty alumnus of Maplewood. That is something that I will be proud of for all of eternity. God’s grace and peace to you all.”
Source: Steve Sherman, Received 2011 and 2021