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1865-1865 Minnesota Conference President
Birth: June 21, 1836 in Canada
Death: February 26, 1866 in Oronoco, Olmsted Co., MN
Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Simpson, Olmsted Co., MN
Findagrave: 22838199
Married: Salina J. Price

Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
DIED, in Oronoco, Minn., Feb. 26, 1866, of consumption, our beloved brother Eld. John Bostwick, aged 29 years, 8 months, and 5 days. His faith was unshaken in the third angel’s message and the final triumph of he truth. He died in full hope of a better resurrection. That name, so sweet to a Christian, often fell from his lips in his last moments. Funeral discourse by Eld. S. Pierce, from the words, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.” Rev. xiv, 18. Henry F. Phelps.
Review and Herald, March 27, 1866